domingo, 8 de abril de 2018


This essay will discuss the different options that the different measures that a government should take to improve youth employment. According to statistics, unlike what happened years ago, the average age at which young Spanish people find their first job is now 23, either because of the unwillingness of finding a job or because of the precariousness of these jobs. It is clear that this could have a long-term impact on the country’s economy and affect the pension system. It is therefore essential that governments find ways to reverse this situation.

To begin with, young people would choose the right job, if they knew what it was about while they were studying. Most undergraduates think that they will be working in the area in which they are studying. However, this is not always as they thought and sometimes they choose a degree that later does not fit with the work they want. For this reason, the government should support employers’ visits to schools in order to explain more about the jobs they do in their own companies.

Another solution for students would be doing work-related subjects at school. By doing this, students would be able to do a better job interview and they would get a job more easily. Most of the time, the employee is prepared for the job, but at the time of the interview he or she usually gets nervous and this is when this type of subjects can be useful. Governments should promote this sort of subjects at school in order to improve these job skills.

Setting up these kinds of programmes could be expensive at first, but once the government did this, the number of prepared students would increase and the youth unemployment would decrease. However, governments might choose the less expensive programme, that is to say, the visits from employers, since it would cost them anything most times and it can be also more efficient in the long term.

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